Straightening frustration

Dear Hair,
Moisture they say--moisture is needed for you to straighten with any success. But how much? And why isn't it working in you? I deep condition every time I bathe you, even going as far to mix my own conditioner--why won't you straighten like I know you can? I don't ask for much-only that you be healthy my dear. What am I missing?

In all seriousness I have mixed a lovely new conditioner. It's got coconut milk, honey, Brahmi and Shikakai hesh powders and oils, olive oil, JBCO, shea butter,lavender oil and tea tree oil. Although it's all natural I severely wish it were thicker, so I may have to add the whole batch to a thick conditioner base--which ruins the whole point anyway I guess.

I also have a shiny new FHI Platform; I picked it after a lot of research. I can't tell if it works on my 4A/B/C hair because my hair is not staying straight and I think that has a lot more to do with what I'm doing with my hair, not the flat iron itself.

I feel pressed to figure out my straightening issues soon though. Once I'm in Cairo I'll need to have steady styling method so I need to figure out how to make my hair cooperate. Next week i'll deep condition overnight and then roller set to air dry. I'll let you know how that goes!


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So I have been hinting at this, but just to confirm all of your suspicions, yes, I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. In all seriousness, I am once again abroad--In Israel now--and once things have settled into some form of normalcy I will begin to blog about my experiences here--and they are many!



More often than not, I read blogs that serve as daily diaries of a sort or review trollops (not that I don't enjoy my review strumpets). Astrum Umbrarum (or "of star shadows" as the Latin is translated), lies somewhere in between, as I have discovered over the years. Life Reviews. As I live, and travel, create and explore, I will discover beautiful things. This space is where I hope to share those things with all the snark they deserve.