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Kingdom Come
So I started in high school. It's actually based on the book of Revelation (as you'll find a lot of my stuff may be) but set in medieval time. Lots of research is going into this one.
Gossamer Strays
This actually started as a NanoWrimo entry but has turned into so much more. I love, love, love all of the characters in this. Urban fantasy. Interesting Fae mythology created by yours truly.
Call to Oblivion
Also started in high school. This one is a trilogy the first of which is called "Awaken." It's got high school students, Arthurian legend and Norse mythology, "super powers" and the end of the world in tow. Yeah.
Living Cathedral
This deals with a lot of stuff. God, angels, demons, rape and a struggling new world. Kind of post apocalyptic. Revelation-ish urban fantasy
Delusions of Grandeur
Set in some version of medieval France I guess, lots of court intrigue. Was our main character:
A) born in a brothel and "saved "in a raid as a toddler
B)separated from her mother who worked as an "employee".
c) the charge of a defacto sypmaster
D) All of the above
Ding Ding D! Andraste Aimee de Solange, the diplomat and defacto spymaster takes in little Cicero who charming as she is becomes a member of the Solange family. Black and from dubious origins, Cicero or Odile no Solange (if I gave her full name I would give things away!) as she becomes, must deal with politics, racism, and scandal in a world that sniffs disdainfully at the Christian precepts of her adoptive family. Med Urb Fan. Sort of steam punk actually. I know. Cool.
Really recent addition. Modern Revelation interpretation. Includes armors of the spirit, the two witnesses and lots of fae. Oh and our main character is slowly being driven mad by casual glances of Hell. Urban Fantasy.
Get off the Unicorn (until further notice)
That was the name of the challenge that I began this short story for. I never finished so I guess it's considered "in progress," right? The challenge was to give a reinterpretation of the Unicorn myth. Mine has gypsies and human trafficking.
Okay. So I mentioned something about snippets didn't I? I guess I'll start with the most recent: HathNoFury. I'm not nearly as done with this as with the others, so it still kind of reads like a rough draft to me. Thoughts?
I stood leaning against the trunk of my car. So this was it. This was Chamberlain, the new school. At least my parents couldn’t uproot me till the semester was over: I couldn’t graduate otherwise. Maybe I could actually make friends this way. Eyeing a leggy brunette in a mini I amended that thought. Then again maybe not. I chanced a glance at the sky. Sunny now but with dark nimbus’ telling of rain soon to come… Chamberlain; You could practically hear the stick being shoved up this place’s proverbial—
“You’re new here aren’t you?” I glanced up to behold a girl who held a somewhat distressing resemblance to a poodle. “Odette Ishtarmia right? I’m Christie, your guide for the day!” I resisted my gag reflex. Just barely.
Yay! So what i'm posting for all now is a little snippet from Delusions of Grandeur. Enjoy!
There is beauty in light, the way it trips and falls, filtering through a canopy of trees. In the same breath I own to entertaining a perverse fascination with the thrill of darkness. Heavy and utterly foreign—I suppose on the surface I wanted to pit the light of my soul against the darkness of the world. But I was proud, and foolish…and most like a little in denial of its musky allure: I believed I could face and overcome it, but I now find myself nearly overrun. Would that these days were not mine; that I had never wished to face darkness—wishing may make a fool of me.
Okay! This little snippet is from Living Cathedral. Enjoy!
He gave me a glimpse of his trademark smirk: a slight twitch of his lips and a backlight of hedonism gleaming through his eyes. That smile always made me a little uneasy. "Zeek--
"Did you have a weird dream?"
"Wha-- I blinked, and stopped to think. "I....I saw a living cathedral."
He raised an eyebrow at me, as if in nonchalance, but the expression on his face spoke differently. His naked confusion bid me to explain further. "Well...I was outside...and the sun was shining as brightly as I could imagine. There were these structures, sometimes grey and rough, sometimes brown and smooth that rose high into the sky above me and spread out in tinier talons. Hanging everywhere were paper thin shards of color, auburn, orange, gold...all the shades in between...every purple I can imagine. It was beautiful. Those colors formed a canopy above me and carpeted the ground beneath me...and the light...what--
"You mean you've never seen trees before?" He snapped me out of my warm reverie. "I guess that's to be expected." He added in a smaller voice.
"Living Cathedral though...that's good."
"Zeeke. What are you talking about?"
He was silent a moment more, maybe to tease me before he replied, "Nothing really...just something beautiful from my glory days.”
"Glory days as what?" The backlight of his eyes was sinister now. A twitch passed through me.
Here's my get off the unicorn snippet!
“Audrey, sweetness.” I recognized Sherry’s tone and prepared to flee. My escape was blocked by a flying uniform. “Out front.” I nodded weakly and changed in the middle of the back hall, not really caring if I was seen. When I arrived I met a battle field. Order delivery was backed up for miles and customers, though patient, were getting a little green at the gills.
Alright. I thought. Let’s do this. I set to work, mindless, and to Sherry’s delight, efficient.
“Sponteneous Cumbustion and White Mint to go, Here’s a sleeve for your mint, thanks for stopping by.” I intoned with a mild smile.
“Where have you been all my life.” Chuckled the customer. My expression was noncommittal.
“In the kitchen, preparing your sweets.” He blinked, but I had moved on before he could respond.
“Audrey!” hissed a voice. I glanced up from behind the counter to behold Kourtney by table three. The look on her face was priceless. I rolled my eyes and walked over, to her relief.
“What can I get for you?” I murmured to her customer, whipping out a pad and shooing Kourtney away.
The man shrugged, “I’ve already ordered, I was just passing the time.” I blinked at that and glanced at him only to double take. Auburn red hair and slate grey eyes that seemed to see right through me. A chill traipsed down my spine.
“I…I’m sorry for the wait. Is there anything I can get you while you wait? Coffee?”
His expression changed, a slight shift in his dark eyelashes.
“Well since you asked. How about a little slice of you, hmm?” His chin rested in his upturned palm and he leaned towards me with a little leer. Erg. What was with people today?
I smiled brightly, but it didn’t quite reach my eyes. “I’m sorry but I’m not on the menu today. Perhaps something easier to provide? Maybe Kourtney?” his eyes widened and he sat back with an amused snort.
“Well, Well.” It wasn’t unheard of for waitresses to occasionally fraternize with customers out back, unfortunately for him, I wasn’t a waitress. “I have been checked it seems. Audrey was it?” His smile became less wolf-like and regarded me with what I came to recognize as genuine pleasure. “Unfortunately I’ve already tried that path. She didn’t seem to understand my meaning.”
“Really.” I muttered dryly with a roll of my eyes. No surprise there.
I know I've made you promises, but I'm a senior so you must forgive me my dedication to graduating. I will get right on blogging regularly once my senior thesis is completed. For now I have a snippet of something that has been running around through my head all day.
"Hey how are you!" his eyes lit with fulvous warmth and she bit back a ready smile.
"I've been great...really. Just...bracing myself." He rose a quick eyebrow at that, a smirk that could have been mocking dawning across his face.
"For what?" Beryl's expression grew distant and she seemed to be looking through him and past the wall of books into the depths of a place he was afraid to follow her to. It fractured his smile.
"I don't know..." she mulled over these words a while, tasting their spice and finding them unfamiliar. "But it feels like rain."
I'm not sure what this is for, or really what it's about. But I keep seeing it in my mind's eye like a movie trailer. It's better in my head obviously because of all the cutting to other meaningful scenes but oh well. c'est la vie.
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