Get off the Unicorn!
“Audrey, sweetness.” I recognized Sherry’s tone and prepared to flee. My escape was blocked by a flying uniform. “Out front.” I nodded weakly and changed in the middle of the back hall, not really caring if I was seen. When I arrived I met a battle field. Order delivery was backed up for miles and customers, though patient, were getting a little green at the gills.
Alright. I thought. Let’s do this. I set to work, mindless, and to Sherry’s delight, efficient.
“Sponteneous Cumbustion and White Mint to go, Here’s a sleeve for your mint, thanks for stopping by.” I intoned with a mild smile.
“Where have you been all my life.” Chuckled the customer. My expression was noncommittal.
“In the kitchen, preparing your sweets.” He blinked, but I had moved on before he could respond.
“Audrey!” hissed a voice. I glanced up from behind the counter to behold Kourtney by table three. The look on her face was priceless. I rolled my eyes and walked over, to her relief.
“What can I get for you?” I murmured to her customer, whipping out a pad and shooing Kourtney away.
The man shrugged, “I’ve already ordered, I was just passing the time.” I blinked at that and glanced at him only to double take. Auburn red hair and slate grey eyes that seemed to see right to the dark in me. A chill traipsed down my spine.
“I…I’m sorry for the wait. Is there anything I can get you while you wait? Coffee?”
His expression changed, a slight shift in his dark eyelashes.
“Well since you asked. How about a little slice of you, hmm?” His chin rested in his upturned palm and he leaned towards me with a little leer. Erg. What was with people today?
I smiled brightly, but it didn’t quite reach my eyes. “I’m sorry but I’m not on the menu today. Perhaps something easier to provide? Maybe Kourtney?” his eyes widened and he sat back with an amused snort.
“Well, Well.” It wasn’t unheard of for waitresses to occasionally fraternize with customers out back, unfortunately for him, I wasn’t a waitress. “I have been checked it seems. Audrey was it?” His smile became less wolf-like and regarded me with what I came to recognize as genuine pleasure. “Unfortunately I’ve already tried that path. She didn’t seem to understand my meaning.”
“Really.” I muttered dryly with a roll of my eyes. No surprise there.
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