Ahh so that travel log...

Remember when I was in Egypt? Remember when I was writing that travel log? Remember when I said I would post the entries I had written, even though my adventure was over? I kind of stopped doing that didn't I? Huh. Weird. Well, I suppose I will start again, if anything to keep me from my propensity to speak at great length about politics and race and gender issues. Those problems tend to aggravate my general sense of despair at the general status of the human condition. So I'll post those as well, until the ones I wrote run out. I am also crossing my fingers for an interesting job--I am taking a year off before law school--perhaps in the D.C area, perhaps abroad if my wanderlust gets the best of me. So expect news soon!! In other news, I think I'll pick up German next. Once I remember my Arabic, ace my LSAT and pummel my Japanese into permanent memory.
A note about my last post; for those of you who had the chance to read it, I hope you enjoyed my perspective. I have removed the post because it seems inappropriate to discuss such sensitive issues on a blog I intended for the documentation of my different adventures, mundane and otherwise. So please do not be alarmed if you check my blog to find that rather lengthy treatise on race and gender gone. Thanks!


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Blogger news

So I have been hinting at this, but just to confirm all of your suspicions, yes, I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. In all seriousness, I am once again abroad--In Israel now--and once things have settled into some form of normalcy I will begin to blog about my experiences here--and they are many!



More often than not, I read blogs that serve as daily diaries of a sort or review trollops (not that I don't enjoy my review strumpets). Astrum Umbrarum (or "of star shadows" as the Latin is translated), lies somewhere in between, as I have discovered over the years. Life Reviews. As I live, and travel, create and explore, I will discover beautiful things. This space is where I hope to share those things with all the snark they deserve.