Delusions of Grandeur

Yay! So what i'm posting for all now is a little snippet from Delusions of Grandeur. Enjoy!

There is beauty in light, the way it trips and falls, filtering through a canopy of trees. In the same breath I own to entertaining a perverse fascination with the thrill of darkness. Heavy and utterly foreign—I suppose on the surface I wanted to pit the light of my soul against the darkness of the world. But I was proud, and foolish…and most like a little in denial of its musky allure: I believed I could face and overcome it, but I now find myself nearly overrun. Would that these days were not mine; that I had never wished to face darkness—wishing may make a fool of me.

Of course this is located in my "works in process" section.


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Blogger news

So I have been hinting at this, but just to confirm all of your suspicions, yes, I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. In all seriousness, I am once again abroad--In Israel now--and once things have settled into some form of normalcy I will begin to blog about my experiences here--and they are many!



More often than not, I read blogs that serve as daily diaries of a sort or review trollops (not that I don't enjoy my review strumpets). Astrum Umbrarum (or "of star shadows" as the Latin is translated), lies somewhere in between, as I have discovered over the years. Life Reviews. As I live, and travel, create and explore, I will discover beautiful things. This space is where I hope to share those things with all the snark they deserve.